The Ultimate Guardianof Product Protection
Microbiology Lab
Naturis's microbiology laboratory ensures swift testing results, reduces development durations, and accelerates the timeline to bring your product to market.
Our cohort of microbiologists employs universally accepted testing methods catered for a broad spectrum of product substrates and antimicrobial technologies.
Bacteria Testing
Naturis Labs and third party Metrocal performs a wide range of qualitative and quantitative testing to validate antibacterial efficacy.
Samples are evaluated utilizing both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria to ensure broad spectrum performance. Common test methods include
Mold Testing
Bioactive Silver Certification
Alternative products are not required by law to follow any FDA regulations. Any type of colloidal silver or Ionic silver is not a mineral supplement nor can be registered or get a sanitary registration (certificado sanitario), because is an alternative product.
There are many misleading producers with very little understanding of the science behind colloidal silver that swear to posses a sanitary registration, nothing can be further from the thruth, these so called "sanitary registrations" do exist and are valid, but after further inspection and checking it's originality you'll be surprised to see it belongs to drinkable water (agua de mesa) and not colloidal silver. Sanitary registrations for colloidal silver do exist and are heavily regulated only for external use an NOT for internal use.